I have been trying to write this post and finish our the last part to “Our Story” for a few days now, it just seems like there isn’t enough hours in the day! This is my current view right now and I am not complaining




but while the two “big” kids sleep and baby is sleeping I really should be doing a million other things like start dinner, finish the laundry, wash bottles, finish my blog posts I’ve started or even take a nap myself. The list really is endless! How many of you out there are feeling like me? Where do all the hours in my day go!? My biggest problem right now is guilt! Oh mama’s you know what I am talking about… that feeling like you aren’t giving your babies enough time, attention, love and yet there is only so much of you to go around. For me this has been huge since baby arrived. I felt like when my son was born I handled the juggling thing pretty well. I could hold him and still play with my daughter and focus on her and when she napped and he napped I could get things done around the house. That was than… this is now! 3 babies wanting and needing mommy, a house that needs cleaned and to be organized, groceries that need bought, friends and other family that need and deserve my time, but how! How can I do it all? The answer I am learning is I can’t! and that is OK! I am not there yet but I am learning that supper may not be on time but the extra snuggle or story before nap time is worth it. I may be finishing my laundry at 10:00 pm tonight but thats ok because my little people need me and they come first! I so love this blog and all of my fabulous readers but unfortunately it doesn’t come first and that has been hard for me! There have been many late nights where I am in bed trying to work on blog posts and my husband sweetly reminds me I should be sleeping while my babies are but I feel guilt because I haven’t blogged all week! I am totally being vulnerable here saying all this but thats ok because I want to be authentic and transparent with you and I am pretty darn sure I am not the only one out there that feels like this! Recently I made an early morning coffee date with my bestie (and if you know me you know that is love because I don’t like mornings especially early ones) just to reconnect because with a busy summer schedule and a new baby I feel like I have been a crappy friend! Ladies let me tell you guilt is a nasty thing and frankly I want no part of it but some how I have succumb to letting it into my life and I have been listening to its sweet little lies. It has left me feeling disappointed and  frustrated with myself it has made me feel like I can’t do this and I am not doing it well but that is not true I know! My babies have been my biggest dream come true they are miracles and proof of a beauty after a storm. They are my biggest and most important focus and they are my “job”. I use the word “job” loosely more of an illustration because they are a work in progress and I have the huge and awesome responsibility to shape the lives of these sweet little beings. I have a front row seat and a hand in helping them make their first milestones, I get the opportunity to cheer them on in learning and trying new things. I have a responsibility to teach them right from wrong and to help them grow up to be good citizens, to be kind and loving to others. That my friends is a big job! It is more than a 9-5 gig it is a 24 hr 7 day a week job and I tell you most days I think I haven’t made the best out of my time with them but I am trying hard!



I found this quote and it made me laugh and than I sat back and felt some how encouraged! I hope that despite my failures my babies will become great little people. I am choosing to take each day at a time. Putting “to – do” lists aside and doing my best at giving each one of my babies as much of me as I possible can and the rest can wait! So for those of you who have read “Our Journey” and are waiting for the finale part I am deeply sorry but you’ll have to keep waiting; I am working on it I promise! I hope you all have had a great first week back to school! Our week has been insanely busy and our weekend is not any slower but we are enjoying getting into our new fall routine. I am soaking up each day with my babies, making the most out of our days and having fun making memories. Have a great weekend!


*This post was originally started during nap time and not finished until late in the evening*


  • Michelle says:

    you’re amazing.
    i understand exactly how you’re feeling. been there, done that – feel good about things…then repeat it all again.
    keep loving God, your handsome hubby and those precious babies you both have been blessed with.

  • bethany says:

    I hear you . Every single word. I’m so grateful for grace and for friendships and dinner who don’t judge. 😉 Love you my sweet friend and your transparency. Xo It does get easier. 😊

  • Jaclyn says:

    Been there, done that, and still doing it. 🙂 It does get easier for sure, but most days I feel as if I could have spent my time better. There just never seems to be enough of it!

  • Katie says:

    As a new mom of 3 as well I can completely relate. We just ordered pizza as the littlest didnt sleep all afternoon and the two biggest and I had a dentist appointment, really who booked this appointment when daddy was a work and could t help!?!? Baby just passed 2 months And it really is getting easier every day but i have about 5 loads of laundry to fold and/or put away. And the blog i started on my last maternity leave could use some serious attention! You are doing a wonderful job! Keep it up Mama

  • Marilyn Nugent says:

    Sweet Momma,, let yourself off the hook. Jesus came so that we could have life and life to the full – not a too-full life! I am proud of your for expressing yourself with authenticity and clarity. It won’t come easily, but it will come. The search for perfection is dangerous and won’t help you, kiddos, and hubby! Continue striving to give yourself the grace you bestow upon others! xo

  • Tyra Reichert says:

    Hey Katie,

    Sweetie you are doing just fine. I used to get so overwhelmed when my 3 were all little. There simply isn’t enough time in a day for young moms trying to hold it all together. I have been there know that guilt thing and the frustration of it all. What I can tell or share with you is :

    -Don’t fret the small stuff
    -Don’t get too worked up if the house stuff doesn’t get all “done” it’s hard to keep it all near and tidy when you have 3 little ones. You are almost superwoman but you only human really lol so again just roll with it one day at a time.
    -Time really does fly by quickly (maybe doesn’t seem like that when your in the beginning stages of life) but looking back now I realize time truly flies by! Next thing you know your babies are finishing high school.

    Your doing splendidly don’t you worry….. If you ever need someone to come hold a baby so you can nap keep me in mind 🙂 …. I miss holding lil ones

    • Katie Spinks says:

      you are so sweet Tyra! I do know how quickly time goes by and it does fly so I am cherishing each day! I remember when your babies were babies and now look at the adults they have become! makes me feel old!! xo

  • Dianne ( Bakersartist ) says:

    You are feeling what every mom feels , especially with 3 babies!!! Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think you do so much right, even perfect! xo

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