Author: Katie Spinks

  • Where has the summer gone? We have been incredibly busy the past few weeks but we have been having so much fun! Our baby turned one, we went away on vacation, we through the baby a very special First Birthday Party and countless BBQ’s and pool parties. It’s safe to say we love

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  • sleep slēp/Submit noun 1. a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

    So according to the

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  • It is no secret I love to shop it is also not a secret one of my favourite things to shop for is my babies! When we built our new house I knew they would all need large closets … I mean I want my kids to have things I dreamed of as a child 😉 the beautiful (if you like to shop) thing

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  • Today is a special day…. not only is it our country’s birthday (HAPPY CANADA DAY!!)but it is my blog’s birthday, which I think is pretty worthy of celebrating! Hard to believe two years ago I officially, after months of planning and working behind the screen, launched my

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  • When our family grew from 1 to 2 children I found the transition fairly easy (I am not saying it is easy just for myself it wasn’t hard) but like I have mentioned on here before going from 2 to 3 babies was challenging. My babies are very close in age (15 and 22 months apart) so having

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  • We have had an exceptionally busy couple weeks and with preschool winding down, a birthday party to be thrown and then the official start of summer I want to say things will start slowing down but upon looking at our July calendar it looks like summer vacation means the fun and busyness

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