Happy Hump Day! You have officially made it half way through your week and if you are Canadian you are probably especially excited because we get a long weekend coming up! (at least most Canadian’s do I don’t want to discredit those of you who will be working) We have been having
Hello there! It feels like forever since I have been on here. What a crazy last week we had but thankfully we are all settled into our new house and it is feeling like home! We also finally got our internet hooked up so I feel more connected now! It’s funny how quickly you forget what
It’s Moving Day!!! My girlfriend said to me yesterday “It seems like it came fast” and in some ways that is true in others it feels like we have been waiting forever. We are just bursting with excitement and can not wait to get into our new home and get settled and back
It’s moving week and I can’t believe that in 3 days we will be in our new house! I am so excited and ready to get in and get unpacked. We go through are final walk thru this afternoon and I can’t wait to see everything that was done while we were on vacation! Time is
I am alive! Sorry I’ve been MIA … I have been enjoying soaking up all the family time I can with my babies and my husband. I have tried really hard to just relax and turn off my brain, but lets me honest my brain doesn’t have an off switch although I sure wish it did. We
I had such an overwhelming response to the giveaway with Freshly Picked. I am so thankful to those of you who shared about it on your own social media outlets as well. I wish I could give you all a pair but as with most giveaways there can only be one winner.
It’s Friday! It’s Friday! Everyone together now… It’s Friday!! Pop the champagne let’s celebrate! Okay, okay maybe not yet although I am sure it’s 5:00 somewhere! How did your week go? I hope it was a good one and that despite the crappy weather we are
What day is it? I kid….sorta! I feel like I am running on auto pilot lately but all the busyness helps me sleep like a baby at night so hey its not all bad! No really the busyness isn’t bad at all I just allow myself to get easily stressed out at the length of my to-do list
Happy Easter Weekend and more specifically Happy Good Friday! We have already enjoyed a beautiful Good Friday service at our church and I just love how we can celebrate that today is indeed Good because Sunday is coming. We celebrate in hope because we know our Saviour didn’t stay dead
Happy April Fools Day! Happy first Day of April! April is a big month for our family, it is moving month plus it is also vacation month!! So much to look forward to but I still can’t believe April is already here! I am hoping that April will bring with it some nice, warm
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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