One of the reason I love white is because it is a clean slate to add colour (if you choose). My brother enjoys poking fun at me for my “white house” but really I don’t mind because it allows me to change up my accent colours as I feel led … which is often! Right now I
It is Hump Day – Wednesday – Half Way to the Weekend! Do you have the Wednesday Blues? I feel like lately I wake up tired and go to bed tired! My days are so jam packed with mostly house/moving/new house/packing stuff and then there is the routine stuff like laundry, groceries,
It’s Monday again! Is it just me or do the weekend seem to fly by when the week crawls! I hope that you had a great weekend. We had a busy yet fun one. Friday night we picked my dad up from the airport which my babies were so excited about. My daughter keeps asking to go on
As I type this post I am under a pile of blankets sipping hot tea trying to get warm. These negative temperatures are not for me or my babies. My poor daughter every time we go outside cries she is cold even though she has a down filled jacket on and Sorel boots, a hat and mitts. She loves
I hope you all had a great Valentines Day Weekend and for my fellow Ontario dwellers I hope you had a fabulous Family Day Holiday! Our weekend was crazy busy with house showings but we made the best of it and make some great memories as a family. We are busy in full new house mode while
Happy Valentines Day Everyone! I hope you have had a great day and felt loved and I hope you spread love to those around you! I so wish I could give you all a Starbucks Gift Card! I appreciate EACH ONE of you that reads my blog so as promised we (I had my husband’s assistance
Can you believe it, we are already half way through February! Tomorrow is the big day where there will be over priced roses bought, lots of chocolate eaten and hopefully a whole lot of love given to everyone around! How are you spending the day? I am super excited to be heading on a little
Valentines day isn’t just for the “big people” the little people need and deserve to be loved on as well. There is just something so magical and fun to watch the way little ones embrace “holidays”. My daughter has been eyeing up all the
Only 5 days left till Valentines Day! Have you already got your “valentine” something special? If you are in a relationship like mine one of you started to think, plan, shop and buy you’re significant other a Valentines gift after Christmas, while the other one hasn’t
Since it is no secret that I absolutely love Starbucks (especially a carmel latte) and since I was spoiled on my birthday this week and I am feeling very blessed, I want to share some of the love and goodness with you my loyal readers. As a thank you to those of you who follow me on
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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