What is up with this snow and ice! It looks like a winter wonderland outside my bedroom window! Where is spring? This winter has been extremely hard for us! It seems like every other week someone is sick with something and this mama is exhausted and ready for spring! I am so excited for
Skin care has been something that I have always taken seriously since I was a teenager. I remember when I was younger my mom always telling me how important washing my face and taking care of my skin was. Unfortunately I have sensitive yet oily skin, so it is really hard to find the right
It’s March… the snow is finally melting!! We had a wonderful few weeks away on vacation and I had every intention of posting this blog while we were away I even brought my laptop with me but we were having such a fun time as a family and I was working really hard at being present
If you follow me on Instagram…which if you don’t you should if you want to see many more sneak peaks into my daily life and cute pictures of my babies who I must admit are the most adorable (yes I am bias I am their mama) … you would have seen that we officially signed the
The cold weather is back and we now have more snow which my babies were very happy about but with the weather the past few days being so cold (I’m talking -40) they can’t even play outside in the snow! So we are hibernating inside cuddling under warm blankets reading books,
One of my goals for this year was (is) to make time for me – to do something for myself and not feel guilty about it. It doesn’t come naturally for me and is something I am working on trying to make a habit of, trying not to worry about my babies and just do something I enjoy. So
How is it already my birthday?! It feels like that with each baby we add to our family time speeds up even faster. I can’t believe I am 31 (yes I know *insert blushing face*) today! I like to think that with each year I am aging I am getting wiser and more confident in my own skin but
Well January is almost over (thank goodness) and February is less than a week away! There are many things I like about February …. my birthday, (no I do not like getting older but yes I like birthdays) our adoption papers will be signed, (which is pretty much the best birthday gift
Sorry for being so quiet over here we are finally on the mend! If you follow me on IG you will have seen that my babies (yes all three) have been sick. I mean the sick that ends up with you at the hospital, the one were your sweet babies can’t breathe and it is heartbreaking as a mama
Happy New Year! I can hardly believe Christmas is over and we are already in 2016! We had an amazing Christmas but it went bye too quickly! Isn’t that how it always is? We were able to celebrate with both sides of our family and enjoyed a little vacation up at our cottage where we all
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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