Well here we are, Friday – finally! Yahoo we made it through another week! This weather that we are having right now calls for yummy warm feel good kind of food. (where did summer go? was it only a month long?) Not sure what kind of food you enjoy but in this house we aren’t
I don’t know what kind of shopper you are. Do you like to shop even? I enjoy shopping, maybe even a little too much. But I am one to always look for a good deal and I am a firm believer in spending money on good staples (pieces that are versatile and will last) that way you can create
It’s Monday again! Are you like me and you dread Mondays? I find myself, especially lately, living for the weekends and then Sunday evening comes and I start dreading Monday. Its hard to believe we are already over a week into August! Where has the summer gone? If your like me
I love the weekend. Well who doesn’t, and so a long weekend is even better than a normal weekend. I love having my hubby home from work as do our babies. This weekend (much like the rest in the summer) was spent at the cottage and we had our friends join us. Although our long weekend
Well here we are Monday again. A new week ahead of us with endless opportunities and possibilities. Do you have any exciting plans this week? Today since its Monday I thought I would do a little Mens Monday Fashion. I’ve had some guys ask if I would be doing some posts on Mens fashion
Wednesday Night my dad took me on a special fun date night out. I love my dad, he is a very special man in my life and I enjoy spending time with him. He had an event to attend and thought I would like to go along as his date – and he was right. The event was held at The Culinary
What is up with this crazy cool weather we are having here in Ontario? Where did summer go? I can appreciate a cool day but we’ve had enough already I’m ready to welcome the heat and beautiful sunshine again so my babies and I can live outside again. I started brain storming this
I love being a mommy! It is truly a huge honour and blessing to be a mom but also a huge responsibility and one that is not taken lightly. It is crazy to think that as a parent you are shaping the future character and the kind of person this little one will grow up to be and how they will
It’s Friday…finally! I don’t know what your week was like but mine felt like a long week for sure. It could be because I’ve been sick with a summer cold – like seriously I am a mommy and mommy’s don’t get sick days and I don’t have time for
Being a girl is a lot of fun! And the fact that I tend to be a girlie girl means I like to wear makeup! In fact I feel better with it on then without (I know thats probably a bad thing but I’m being honest here). I am always looking for new and fresh things to wear but I also am very
About Katie
Hey there, my name is Katie. I am married to my best friend who happens to be a major stud. After suffering through infertility I have been blessed to a mommy to 3 little babies. Most days you will find me shopping with a full stroller and Starbucks in my hand.
"scandalized by grace"
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